The Major Maasai Subgroups and Clans

 The Maasai, an iconic East African ethnic group, boasts a rich cultural tapestry composed of diverse subgroups and clans.

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Their unique social structure and deep-rooted traditions have defined their identity for centuries. 

Within the vast Maasai community, various subgroups, while sharing linguistic ties, maintain distinct oral histories and traditions that lend vibrancy to their collective heritage.

What’s more?

These subgroups are intricately interwoven into the fabric of Maasai society through their clans, each with its own unique roles and significance.

Want to know the Maasai clans and subgroups?

Keep reading this article.

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A List of Maasai Subgroups

The Maasai people are renowned for their cultural diversity, with various subgroups enriching their heritage. 

Here is a list of all Maasai subgroups:

1. Ilpurko

2. Ilmatapato

3. Ilkeek-onyokie

4. Ildalat-le-kutuk (Ilkankere)

5. Ildamat

6. Iloodo-kilani

7. Ilkisongo

8. Iloitokitoki

9. Iloitai

10. Isikirari

11. Isiria

12. Senenget

13. Ilmoitanik

14. Ilwuasin-gishu

15. Ilkaputiei

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Major Sabaot Subgroups 

A List of Maasai Clans

The Maasai community's social fabric is intricately defined by their clans. 

Here's a concise list of Maasai clans:

1. Il-makesen

2. Il-aiser

3. Il-molelian

4.  Il-taarrosero

5. Il-ikumai

Maasai Totems

Maasai clans are distinguished by specific symbols known as totems, which hold deep cultural significance. 

Among the Maasai, there are only two primary totems, each carrying a unique ancestral legacy. 

Here are the two Maasai totems:

1. Oodo Mongi (Red Cow) 

2. Orok Kiteng (Black Cow)

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Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this list has given you a glimpse of the major Maasai subgroups and clans. 

If I have omitted any clan, subgroup, or totem, let me know in the comments.
