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The Major Nandi Clans you Should Know


Image via Unsplash

The Nandi tribe is a subtribe of the Kalenjin community and is know for its rich cultural heritage. 

The Nandi have several clans which are referred to as ortinuek in the Nandi dialect. These clans are identified and symbolized by totems known tiondo. 

Nandi totems encompass a wide range of creatures, from birds and wild animals to frogs, snakes, and even bees. 

What's truly fascinating is that these totems hold a sacred significance within each clan, making it a taboo to harm or consume any animal associated with one's clan.

If you're curious about the major Nandi clans and their associated totems, you've come to the right place. This article will provide an overview of all the Nandi clans and the animals that symbolize them. 

Let's dive right in.

The Nandi Clans and their Respective Totems

  1. Kipkenda - Bee (Maimi Segemiat)

  2. Kiboiis - Wild dog (Lelwot)

  3. Mooi - Crested Crane (Kong'oony)

  4. Kipsirgoi - Toreet (palee kut ak kutung')

  5. Kipamui - Antelope (Kergeng)

  6. Sogoom - Eagle (Chepsirereet) 

  7. Talai - Lion (Ng'etuny) 

  8. Kuutwo (Talai Orkoi)  Lion (Ng'etuny) (Talai Nandi)

  9. Kipoongoi (che kwees tibiik) -Taiyweet

  10. Kibiegen (kap rat setio let) - Monkey (Moseet) and Rat (Muriat)

  11. Kipaa (koros)- Snake (Ndareet),  Baboon (Tisiet), Moriso

  12. Toiyoi - Rain (ropta) and Safari Ants (Birechik)

  13. Kap Oiit - Elephant (Beliot, kiramkeel koe mooi) and rabbit (Kipleng'wet)

  14. Kipasiiso (Kap koluu)Asista (Sun)

  15. Kuchwa - Frog (Mororochet) 

  16. Tungo (korap oor) - Hyena (Kimageetiet)

  17. Kiptabkei - vervet monkey (Chereret)

Facts About the Nandi Clans

  • Nandi tradition forbids marriage within the same clan.

  • Specific Nandi clans are prohibited from intermarrying.

  • Nandi people hold their clan totems sacred and do not harm or consume them.

  • Women don’t belong to the clan of the family they were born into. When they get married, they belong to the husband’s clan. That why they are always referred to as ‘Cheptab oret age’ meaning she belongs to another clan.

Final Thoughts

As time passes, the rich customs and traditions of the Nandi people, particularly those related to clans and totems, risk fading among the newer generations. 

But luckily this article will keep reminding you of the major clans.  

If by any chance I have left out any important clan, lemme know in the comments.


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