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A List of Major Sabaot Clans

Image via Unsplash


The Sabaot people, also known as the Sebei, are a subtribe of the Kalenjin community, with a rich cultural heritage and a distinctive way of life. 

Their ancestral home is the breathtaking Mount Elgon region, spanning across the border of Kenya and Uganda. 

One fascinating aspect of Sabaot culture is the existence of several clans, each with its unique traditions, history, and role within the community.

If you're curious to know about the Sabaot clans, you've come to the right place. 

This article provide a list of all Sabaot clans.

Let’s dive in!

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The major Nandi clans you should know

Major Sabaot Clans

1. Kaabai 

2. Kaapiit 

3. Kaboorek 

4. Kamaek 

5. Kamakameek 

6. Kamakorotok 

7. Kamaranga 

8. Kamaratiek 

9. Kamelgut 

10. Kamingirok 

11. Kamonge 

12. Kamuguniek 

13. Kamukayeek 

14. Kamukeek 

15. Kamusareek 

16. Kamweng'eek 

17. Kapbateek 

18. Kapbungar 

19. Kapbunwa 

20. Kapchayek 

21. Kapchaanek 

22. Kapchagor 

23. Kapchebasa 

24. Kapcheboek 

25. Kapcheebooyoo 

26. Kapchemagige 

27. Kapchemandan 

28. Kapchemai 

29. Kapchemekwen 

30. Kapchenomor

31. Kapchepchui 

32. Kapchepmeson 

33. Kapchepokot 

34. Kapcheromor 

35. Kapcherotich 

36. Kapcherotik 

37. Kapchesokwo 

38. Kapchesonek 

39. Kapchesongol 

40. Kapchogen 

41. Kapchorwa 

42. Kapjeepayeek 

43. Kapjoombis 

44. Kapkamafit 

45. Kapkeben  

46. Kapkecha 

47. Kapman 

48. Kapmaranga 

49. Kapming'eny' 

50. Kapmuegek 

51. Kapmuguniek 

52. Kapmurondokek 

53. Kapnakambiik 

54. Kapnamuringik 

55. Kapnamwareek 

56. Kapnimek 

57. Kapnyirirek 

58. Kapnyitok 

59. Kaprangacheek 

60. Kaprobak 

61. Kapsang'utok 

62. Kapserek 

63. Kapsewiyek 

64. Kapsoortiek 

65. Kapsoot 

66. Kapsorit 

67. Kapsoshyo 

68. Kapsowuiek 

69. Kapsurum 

70. Kaptamachik

71. Kabunjosook

72. Kapyis

73. Kapter

74. Kapchoseek

75. Kapchesir

Read Also:

The Major Clans of the Keiyo Community

The Major Tugen Clans

Final Thoughts

Now you have an idea of all Sabaot clans.

If I have omitted any major clan, please hit me up in the comments.

And lemme know your clan from the list.

Read Also:

Major Kalenjin Subtribes you Should Know


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