A List of Embu Clans

 Embu people are known for their rich cultural heritage and a strong sense of community. 

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The Embu are traditionally organized into clans, each with its own unique customs, traditions, and roles within the community. 

These clans have played a vital role in shaping the identity and social structure of the Embu people. 

Want to know the clans? 

Keep reading!

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Major Embu Clans

Here’s a list of major Embu clans.

1. Marigu

2. Kina

3. Ngiri

4. Ngithi

5. Gitiri

6. Igandu

7. Giciku

8. Iruma

8. Thara

9. Riimi

10. Kirai

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Final Thoughts

Now you know the major Embu clans.

If I’ve omitted any clan, please let me know in the comments.
