The Nandi Age Sets You Should Know

The Nandi community, an indigenous group in Kenya.

Image via Unsplash

The community boasts a unique and complex social organization centered around age sets known as ibinda. 

Within this framework, there exist eight rotational age sets, each referred to as ibinwek. The Nandi's age sets play a pivotal role in shaping their social dynamics and traditions. 

As one age set completes its cycle, fresh members of that particular generation are born, heralding the commencement of a new age set. 

This continuous cycle not only influences the roles and responsibilities of individuals within the community but also serves as a fundamental pillar of their cultural identity and heritage.

Want to know the major Nandi age sets?

Keep reading this article.


The major Nandi clans you should know

A List of Nandi Age Sets

Here’s a list of the major Nandi Age sets.

1. Maina

2. Chumo

3. Sawe

4. Kipkoimet

5. Korongoro 

6. Kaplelach

7. Kipnyigei

8. Nyongi

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Final Thoughts

Legend has it that the Korongoro age set, once a prominent part of the Nandi community, has ceased to exist. This leaves only seven remaining age sets. 

The extinction of the Korongoro age set is attributed to a devastating war that led to its complete eradication. In response to this tragic event, the community made a collective decision to retire the Korongoro age set, aiming to prevent the recurrence of such a calamity.

Which age set do you belong to?

Let’s know in the comments.

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