A List of Meru Subgroups and Clans


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The Meru People are a culturally rich ethnic community in eastern Africa, characterized by their shared heritage and belonging. 

Within this complex culture, they are divided into distinct subgroups, each with its own unique oral history and mythology. 

These subgroups, though linguistically Meru, offer diverse narratives that enrich the overall Meru identity. 

Their social structure revolves around clans and a sophisticated system of age and generation classes, with clans acting as social and political units governed by councils of elders.

Want to know the major Meru clans and subgroups?

Keep reading! 


A List of Embu Clans

The Major Meru Subgroups

Meru is a diverse community with various subgroups, each adding unique flavors to its culture. 

Here is a list of the major Meru subgroups.

1. Igoji

2. Imenti

3. Tigania

4. Mitine

5. Igembe

6. Mwimbi

7. Muthambi

8. Chuka

9. Tharaka

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The Major Meru Clans

The Meru people are known for their complex clan system, a cornerstone of their social organization. 

Here are three major Meru clans that have played pivotal roles in shaping their community.

1. Gaita (Antubaita)

2. Muthetu (Amuthetu)

3. Kiuna (Akiuna)

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Final Thoughts

Now you know the major subgroups and clans that make up the Ameru tribe.

If I have omitted any subgroup or clan, let me know in the comments.
