The Life And Times Of General Francis Ogolla


File image of General Francis Ogolla

Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Francis Ogolla tragically died in a helicopter crash on Thursday in the Sindar area of Elgeyo Marakwet County. 

His passing comes less than a year after he ascended to the position of CDF.

In April of last year, President William Ruto promoted General Ogolla to the rank of General and appointed him as the head of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), succeeding General Robert Kibochi, who retired after reaching the mandatory exit age of 62.

General Ogolla's appointment followed the 'Tonje Rules,' a selection mechanism that rotates the position of CDF among different branches of the military. 

President Ruto was required to appoint Ogolla, who was the Kenya Air Force Commander at the time, because his predecessor, General Kibochi, hailed from the Army and had succeeded General Samson Mwathethe from the Navy.

Born on February 12, 1962, in Siaya County, General Ogolla graduated as a cadet from the KDF on May 2, 1984, and was promoted to second lieutenant a year later. He then joined Moi Air Base to train as a pilot.

Throughout his career, General Ogolla held several key positions, including Commanding Officer Laikipia Air Base Tactical Flight Wing in 2007 and Base Commander Laikipia Air Base from 2008 to 2014. 

He was promoted to Brigadier on April 10, 2012, and later appointed Deputy Air Force Commander. 

On July 13, 2018, he was promoted to Major General and named Commander of the Kenya Air Force.

In July 2021, Ogolla was promoted to Lieutenant General and appointed Vice Chief of the Defence Forces. 

He remained in this position until April 28, 2023, when President Ruto elevated him to General and appointed him Chief of the Defence Forces.

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General Ogolla's extensive education includes a military science degree from École Militaire de Paris and the National Defence College of Kenya. 

He also held a diploma in International Studies and Military Science from Egerton University, a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Armed Conflict, and Peace Studies, and a Master of Arts in International Studies from the University of Nairobi.

General Ogolla's achievements include numerous presidential awards such as the Moran of the Golden Heart (MGH), Elder of the Burning Spear (EBS), and a Head of State Commendation.
