The Teso people are an ethnic group primarily residing in the Teso region, spanning eastern Uganda and western Kenya. They’re part of the larger Nilotic ethnic group, specifically belonging to the Teso-Lotuko subgroup. Here’s a summary of the Teso people. Family Structure A traditional Teso family comprised a man, his wives, his brothers, and their wives and all their children. The families were large and were centered on the eldest man. Sisters and daughters moved out when they married and lived with their husband's extended family. In a basic household, different wives had their own houses and stayed there with their children. When a man married, he established his independent household. Read Also: The Marakwet People The Zaramo People The Hutu People Teso Clans Iteso clans are many, each having a leader called ‘Aplon ka Ateker.’ The known clans are nine; ikaruwok, Iworopom, ikatekok, Igoria, Inomu, Ikomol, and Irarak. The clans had different characteris...