The Gorwaa people, also known as the Gorowa or Gweno, are an indigenous Cushitic ethnic group residing primarily in the northern regions of Tanzania, particularly in the Arusha and Manyara regions. They traditionally practiced agriculture, livestock herding, and trade. Their cultural traditions, including music, dance, and unique oral literature, reflect their history, beliefs, and social organization. Here’s a brief overview of the Gorwaa people. Family Structure Traditionally, the Gorowa people are of patrilineal descent. Children born in a marriage follow their father’s clan and kinship. Males are heads of the family in that the father or eldest sons have the power to control a household. Gorwaa Clans The Gorwaa recognized several clans associated with a particular function in society. The clans included; Qooloo Harna’aa clan (paramount chief, wawitumo) Haryaambi clan Gilawee clan Gaytu clan Sumaye clan Har’iwaay clan Harahama clan Harsule clan Totems C...