Image of Waiyaki wa Hinga Waiyaki wa Hinga, a relatively enigmatic Kikuyu Chief, played a pivotal role during the transition from Kikuyu self-government to colonial subjugation under the Imperial British East African Company and subsequently the British Empire. The surname "wa Hinga" denotes that his father bore the name Hinga. Here’s everything you’d love to know about the legendary Waiyaki wa Hinga. The Origin of Waiyaki wa Hinga According to Muriuki's historical account of the Kikuyu, Waiyaki's father, Kumale ole lemotaka, was a Hinga, adept at disguising himself as either Kikuyu or Maasai . The term "Hinga" in Kikuyu carries dual connotations depending on the context. On one hand, it signifies an individual of mixed Maasai and Kikuyu heritage proficient in both languages, or simply someone fluent in Kikuyu and another African language. Conversely, "Hinga" can also denote a hypocrite, someone adept at concealing their true feelings or intenti...